Student Spotlight

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Marist Ukuno Ageno

Nursing Education and Administration

Age: 44
University: ISTM Bunia
Years completed: 2
Years remaining: 0


I have received the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior since primary school. Since that time, I have been living a life of daily sanctification because we are of the sinful nature. He who is in Christ and keeps his commandments, will live long and prosper in the Lord (Proverbs 3:1-6).

What are you doing now?

I was serving as the director of the nursing school connected to the CME hospital in Nyankunde and I also taught at the school. Our previous director went to school to study nursing education and administration and I served as the director in his place for two years. He has graduated and returned. The hospital leadership wanted me to go and study nursing education and administration as well which I did.

How long do you plan to work in Nyankunde once you graduate?

I had planned to return to Nyankunde after completing my program in Nursing Education and Administration, however, because of the continued insecurity in Nyankunde and the decline in people using the hospital, I have been teaching at ISTM where I received my training. I am open to returning to Nyankunde when the situation changes and if the leaders there would like for me to return.

What do you enjoy doing?

I enjoy educating nurses and increasing their level of knowledge and training. I also enjoy caring for them academically and spiritually. In addition, I like to spend time with my family.

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