Support our mission

Help us to continue to provide educational opportunities to Congolese youth.

Sponsor a Student (Monthly)
Pays for tuition, books, syllabus fees, and living expenses.
Sponsor a Student (Semester)
Pays for tuition, books, syllabus fees, and living expenses.
Sponsor a Student (Full Year)
Pays for tuition, books, syllabus fees, and living expenses.
Buy a student a computer
Pays for laptop, backpack, mouse, and flash drive.
Student Discipleship (Monthly)
Pays for the salary of our three Congolese staff members who regularly individually and corporately disciple our students.
Raising $550/mo to offset monthly costs. Give what you can! Learn about our staff →

Frequently Asked Questions

How much of my donation for a student or the administrator goes to that student or administrator?

100%. All other Congo Impact staff work on a volunteer basis and all administrative expenses are paid from general donations.

What is required of the students and their families?

Students must be faithful to their studies and the local church for all the years that they are sponsored. Student’s families must agree to pay for all food and medical costs for the student while they are in school.

Upon graduation students must work in Nyankunde or in an area with a partnering church for the same number of years they were sponsored.

How do I select a specific student?

Email to speak directly with our Congo Impact team and select a specific student from those who need a scholarship.

When will I receive my tax deductible receipt?

You will receive a tax deductible donation receipt by January 15th of the following year with your total giving for each year.

How are students selected?

The DRC Congo Impact team works with local church leaders to identify specific needs within the community. Each year the team collects applications and conducts interviews to select students whose interests match the identified needs. These students must show commitment to academic achievement, Christ-like character and the local church.