Student Spotlight

Get to know our students, past and present.

Alfred Kodhamwani

Student Spotlight

Age: 22
University: ISP Bunia
Years completed: 3
Years since graduating: 0

How has God been working in your life?

I was born in a family that believes in Jesus Christ. I went to Sunday school regularly which helped me to grow spiritually. As I got older I joined the J.A.C. youth group and began teaching Sunday school. Then I became the president of the J.A.C. youth group until I left Nyankunde when Congo Impact gave me the chance to continue my education.

How was your first year of school?

I started the year off really well. I thank the Lord for the grace that he has given to me. God helped me to complete all my first semester courses. The second semester was more difficult but I was able to pass all my classes and not have to retake any tests. University is really different from secondary school. We have to go to school from 8am-5pm instead of 8am-noon at the secondary school. We have much deeper studies at the university.

How has Congo Impact helped you?

Congo Impact has really helped me. Without Congo Impact I would not be at the university. This is something really good that God did for me. I really want to be able to help our community. Thanks to Congo Impact, I am able to learn many things that I can bring back to Nyankunde, so I thank my sponsor. May God help him to know His grace.

What do you hope to do when you graduate?

Now that I have graduated, I am back in Nyankunde teaching French and sharing all that I have learned with the people there. I can not only teach my French students but also help other teachers grow from all that I have learned at the university.

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